David Muller, CEO
Prior to founding Allotex, Dr. Muller recognized the potential of a procedure known as corneal cross-linking and founded Avedro, Inc. The company successfully obtained FDA approval for the technology in 2016 and now it is available worldwide to treat keratoconus, an orphan indication which is often sight threatening. Earlier in his career, as the founder, Chairman of the Board and CEO of Summit Technology, he led the team that brought the first FDA-approved laser vision correction to the market. David holds an AB from Boston University, a doctorate in physical chemistry from Cornell University and an MBA from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.

Michael Mrochen, Co-Founder
Over the past 25 years, Michael Mrochen has founded, led, and worked with companies that developed and commercialized multiple innovative ophthalmic technologies and procedures with impact. Being an engineer in physics, doctor of theoretical medicine and entrepreneur in ophthalmology and vision care with a large network, he bridging’s the technical, clinical and commercial worlds together to achieve meaningful outcomes. Within Allotex, Michael has led the research activities and supports the clinical trials.