The technology developed by Allotex’s medical engineers addresses two central areas of vision care: presbyopia and hyperopia. The typical treatment for these conditions can be burdensome: seeing clearly requires bulky glasses, inefficient contact lenses, or invasive surgery. Allotex’s technology can change all this, providing people of all ages with the opportunity to see without difficulty. With our living lenses, ophthalmic patients of all ages can begin to see more clearly.
As people age their eyes’ natural lenses thicken and become stiff, making it difficult to see small print and other small items sharply. This condition leads to headaches, eye strain, and blurry vision. In other words, as we age, presbyopia can impair an active lifestyle. With a growing population of older adults, presbyopia affects the lives of countless people living in your community. In fact, industry experts believes that by 2020, nearly 2.1 billion people will suffer from presbyopia.
Children and adults alike can be affected by hyperopia, a condition in which the shape of one’s cornea, lens, or eyeball causes farsightedness. People with hyperopia experience headaches, eye strain, and blurry vision both from near and far distances. Without this visual function, five to ten percent of Americans cannot live a full and active life.